Hi Beauties!
As promised that I'll do a hair care post once a week on this blog, just because I get mind block sometimes. Mind block is where I can't think of what to write at times, and this happens to most bloggers.
So quite recently, a lot of people have been going through hair loss/hair falling so I thought it'd be a good chance to do a topic on how to prevent hair loss!
I hope this post will be useful to all of you out there going through hair loss!
There are different factors on why you go through hair loss, so keep reading and you'll find out!
1) Constant heat; So too much blowing your hair dry can make you lose hair and make your hair fall, so make sure not too always blow your hair dry!
2) Too much dyeing/highlighting; When your hair is too exposed to chemicals, this is really bad for your hair especially if you have ombre hair, where you bleach your ends to blonde to make it to a different color.
3) Too much styling; So if you're a person who likes to tie up your hair into a bun or a pony tail then you need to know that too much pulling or tying it tightly will cause your hair to fall because of the friction.
4) Shampoo; Avoid washing your hair every single day and also avoid rubbing your hair dry to a point where it looks frizzy.
5) Sleep; Sleep is your best friend, sleeping will help you maintain hair loss and even if you are stress, your hair will fall quickly.
6) Massage; Massage your scalp when you're shampoo-ing your hair for a few minutes or even when your hair is damp. This will give a good circulation in the scalp to keep your hair follicles active. You can add some lavender oil or any type of oil of your choice.
7) Antioxidants: Apply warm green tea on your scalp and leave it for an hour then rinse! Green tea contains antioxidants which helps prevent hair loss! Try brewing two bags of green tea in one cup of water. Also if you apply the green tea bags on your under eyes, this will help remove puffiness and lighten dark circles. It's like killing two birds with one stone :)
So i hope this post have helped you in any way, even if it's just ONE of you out there I'd be so happy.
If you have any request you want to know about hair care, do leave it in the comment section below and I'd be sure to reply you!
So as usual,
I hope you all are enjoying your day and also hope you guys are blessed in every single way
(whoa, that rhymes)
Will you take any of this tip to consideration?
(whoa, that rhymes)
Will you take any of this tip to consideration?
xx Zoe.